The program LISE++ has been developed
to calculate the transmission and yields of fragments produced and
in a spectrometer. This code allows to simulate an experiment,
from the parameters of the reaction mechanism and finishing with the
of products selected by a spectrometer. The program allows to quickly
the parameters of the spectrometer before or during the experiment. It
also makes it possible to estimate and work in conditions of maximum
of studied reaction products and their unambiguous identification.
and Wien filter selections are also included in the program. The LISE++ package operating on Windows, macOS, Linux environment is a freeware software product with the .
LISE++ is
the generation of the LISE code,
which allows the creation of a spectrometer through the use of different "blocks".
The number of blocks used to create a spectrometer in LISE++ is
limited by operating memory of your PC and your imagination.
The LISE++ package has been ported to Qt-framework for compatibility with multiple operating systems. The benefits include 64-bit operation, cross-platform compatibility (Windows, macOS, Linux), and the ability to take advantage of future computational improvements. LISE++ version 15, created using the Qt framework, is named LISEcute++ to indicate a new generation different from the previous LISE++ Borland-based versions.
Built-in Energy loss, Time-of-Flight, Position, Angular, Charge, Cross-Section distribution plots and dE-E,
dE-TOF, Z-A/q, and dE-X two-dimensional plots allow to visualize the results of
the program calculations. An application of transport integral lies in
thebasis of fast calculations of the program for the estimation of
temporary evolution of distributions of phase space.
The LISE++
code may be applied at medium-energy and high-energy facilities
(fragment- and recoil-separators with
and/or magnetic selections). A number of these facilities, like A1900 and S800
at FRIB, LISE3 and S3
at RIKEN, based on the separation of projectile-like
and fission fragments, fusion
residues are included or
might be easily added to the existing optical configuration files.
The program assumes several production reaction mechanisms, including
Projectile Fragmentation, Fusion-Evaporation, Fusion-Fission, Coulomb Fission, and Abrasion-Fission,
allowing for the simulation of experiments at beam energies above the Coulomb barrier.
Its built-in tools also enable work at much lower energies, making it highly versatile and attractive for users studying heavy ion physics from tens of keV to several GeV per nucleon.
Built-in powerful tools:
Monte Carlo simulation of fragment transmission,
Monte Carlo simulation of fission fragment kinematics,
Ion Optics calculation and Optimization ,
LISE for Excel (32-bit)
LISE++ calculators:
"Physical Calculator",
"Relativistic Kinematics Calculator",
"Evaporation Calculator",
"Radiation Residue Calculator",
"Ion Mass calculator",
"Matrix calculator"
"Initial Fissile Nuclei analyzer"
Implemented codes:
«PACE4» (fusion-evaporation code),
«GEMINI++» (statistical code),
«MOTER» (raytracing-type program for magnetic optic system design)
«ETACHA4» (charge-state distribution code),
«Global» (charge-state distribution code),
«Charge» (charge-state distribution code),
«Spectroscopic Calculator" (of J.Kantele»)
LISE++ Utilities:
Loading ARIS settings
Stripper Foil Lifetime Utility,
Brho Analyzer,
Twinsol (solenoid) utility,
Units Converter,
ISOL Catcher,
Decay Analysis (includes Proton, Alpha, Cluster, Sp.Fission half-lives calculation),
Reaction Utilities (Characteristics, Converters, Plots),
«BI»- the
automatized search of two-dimensional peaks in spectra
Nuclide and Isomeric State databases with utilities,
Large Set of Calculated Mass Tables (includes FRIB mass tables),
Ionization Energy database (used with the Ion Mass calculator),
Decay Branching Ratio database (used with the Radiation Residue calculator),