The code LISE: version 5.13
East Lansing



1. PACE4: fusion-evaporation code

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Modifications
1.3. Visualization of PACE4 calculations
1.4. Comparisons of PACE4 and LISE AA-model calculations
2. Option & Configuration files 2.1. Structure of files
2.1.1. Configuration file (LCF-extension)
2.1.2. Option file (OPT-extension)
2.1.3. Data file (LIZ-extension)
2.2. New features
3. File converter from Fortran to C

4. Other

4.1. Modernization of the Abrasion-Ablation model
4.2. New NSCL ftp-address
4.3. New model for projectile fragmentation velocity
4.4. Changes in the Utilities menu
4.5. LISE code references
4.6. Future steps of the LISE code development



1. PACE4: fusion-evaporation code

1.1 Introduction

The program PACE has been incorporated (after approbation by the authors) in the LISE package. The expansion of the program LISE to other reaction mechanisms has motivated the attachment of the program PACE. The code PACE (developed by A.Gavron [Gav80]) is a modified version of JULIAN - the Hillman-Eyal evaporation code. PACE (Projection Angular-momentum Coupled Evaporation) is a Monte-Carlo code coupling angular momentum. This code has been ported to MS Windows from FORTRAN to C++. The FORTRAN (original PACE3) and C (PACE4) source files can be found at the following ftp-address

1.2 Modifications

The program PACE has a user-friendly interface in the MS Windows system, where the user can enter information directly in dialogs (see Fig.1), in which the explanation for each parameter is displayed. The entered information is written to files with the extension "in", compatible with the previous versions. The database of recommended values for binding energies [Aud95] was added into the program (see Fig.2). In the new version it possible to calculate up to 10000 cascades at the maximum excitation energy of 2000 MeV the compound nucleus. The calculation results are displayed and formatted in a scrollable window (see Fig.4). The result file is saved in the format "rtf" and can be printed from the program. The user can select (as in the original FORTRAN version) one of five modes (see "INPUT" in Fig.1), but the possibility to input nucleus levels in this version is not available.

Fig.1. The first input card of the code PACE4.

Fig.2.The second card of the PACE4 code for the projectile and target mode.

Fig.3. The fragment of the menu "Utilities".

The program can be launched directly from the program LISE through the "Utilities" menu (see Fig.3). The user can also use the program PACE4 separately from the LISE package by clicking on the icon from the LISE folder (Start menu).

Fig.4. The window of PACE4 calculation results.

1.3 Visualization of PACE4 calculations

The PACE4 calculation results can be plotted within the framework of the program LISE. For this purpose it is necessary to load the cross-sections file (extension "cs", default directory is <LISE>/files), which was created by the program. The plots are obtained of selecting the menu "Utilities -> Plots PACE4 results" (see Fig.3). Examples of this plot are shown in Fig.5 and 6.

1.4 Comparisons of PACE4 and LISE AA-model calculations

Comparisons of PACE4 and LISE AA-model calculations for the compound nucleus 215At are presented in Fig.5 (Excitation energy 500 MeV) and Fig.6 (Excitation energy 50 MeV). The upper plots on these figures are the PACE4 calculations, the middle plots the LISE built-in abrasion-ablation (AA) model [Gai91] plotted using the same scales for X, Y, and Z. The lower plots are the same as the middle plots, but using free scales for X, Y, and Z. It is apparent that for high excitation energies there is a large difference between the two models, caused by the large angular momentum, which is ignored by the LISE AA model. The advantages of PACE4 calculations are the possibility to calculate gamma-emission and fission channels, to take into account the angular momentum (important for high excitation energies), whereas the LISE AA-model assumes an angular momentum of zero. However, the LISE AA-model allows to calculate very small cross-sections quickly due to the analytical approach of that calculation, compared to programs using the Monte Carlo method.

Fig.5.  215Ar (Ex=500 MeV) evaporation results (see details in the text).

Fig.6.   215Ar (Ex=50 MeV) evaporation results (see details in the text).


2. Option & Configuration files

In order to save and restore the settings (spectrometer characteristics, experiment settings, options of reaction mechanism, entered cross-sections, calculated transmissions and rates) the user uses standard LIZE-files with the extension "liz". However it is very often necessary to apply other set-ups or options of reaction mechanism to some already existing calculations. To do this the code has now the possibility to read an OPTION-file (extension "opt") as well as a CONFIGURATION-file (extension "lcf"). This chapter tries to explain the structure of these files and the new modifications made on the basis of numerous remarks from users.

2.1. Structure of files

2.1.1. Configuration file (LCF-extension)

The fragment-separator characteristics are saved in this file (subdirectory "config"). There are four sections:

Object All slits of spectrometer
Acceptances Momentum and angular acceptances of spectrometer
Optics Beam characteristics, dipole radius, optic matrices of each part of spectrometer, distances
Wien_filter Velocity filter characteristics


2.1.2. Option file (OPT-extension)

Calculation parameters, visualization options, reaction mechanism options and others are saved in this file (subdirectory "options"). There are 14 sections: 

Save also 
in LIZ-file
Distribution Distributions dimension
Display 3d-animation, navigation, sound and etc
Charge State (Yes/No), Cross Section (Fit/File), Secondary Reactions(Yes/No), threshold=1.0e-10
Resolution Energy, Time, and spatial resolutions; Material defect
Plots Plot options, Monte Carlo options and etc
Evaporation Evaporation options: distribution dimension, modes of decay
Option: Create reference files (Yes/No)
EvapAuto Parameters of evaporation auto mode
Excitation Excitation energy dialogue settings
Mechanism Charge State Method, Energy Loss Method, Energy and Angular straggling methods, Cross Section method
Velocity Fragment velocity calculation methods and their parameters
Momentum Widths of momentum distribution methods and their parameters 
Friedman Parameters of Friedman’s momentum distribution
Convolution Parameters of Convolution method of momentum distribution
Internet Internet options
MSP144 Characteristic of MSP144 spectrometer

2.1.3. Data file (LIZ-extension)

The regular LISE-file (extension "liz") consists of the Configuration file (lcf), the sections of the Option file (opt) mentioned in the table (see sec.2.1.2.), the experiment settings and calculation results:

LIZ = LCF + OPT + Experiment settings + Calculation results

The experiment settings include the characteristics of the beam, target, stripper, wedge, and materials. The names of the configuration and option files are also saved in the LIZ-file.

2.2. New features

Upon starting, the code reads the LISE.INI file which contains the default configuration and options file names, as well as the list of most recent files. The code loads the default configuration file, and the default options files. If these files are absent the user is informed and the standard LISE settings are used.

The user can set the default configurations in the dialog "Preferences" (see Fig.7). In the new version the possibility to choose a default option file has been added (see the rounded rectangle on Fig.7).

Fig.7. Fragment of the dialog "Preferences".

The current configuration and options files are displayed in the window "SETUP" (see Fig.8).

Fig.8. Fragment of window "Setup".

After loading the LIZ-file the code checks the existence of the options and configuration files from their names saved in this LIZ-file. If one of these files is absent the user is warned and the string "????" is displayed in the window "Setup" instead of a file name. Note that it is necessary to set the option "Check LIZ-file consistency" in the "Preferences" dialog.

Important! When the user clicks the button "MAKE DEFAULT" and then "OK" the current options will be saved in the options file with the name shown in the window "Setup".


3. File converter from Fortran to C

The necessity to port software from one programming language to another arises quite for programmers. In the field of physics it is connected to the fact that the most popular programming language among physicists was (and still probably is) FORTRAN. As a rule all programs made for computers with multitask systems were started from a command line. However with the fast intrusion of personal computers and CPU speeds superior to that 10-year old VAX- and UNIX-computers it quite often makes sense to port these programs to the most commonly used language nowadays, which is C or PASCAL. To facilitate the work of programmers a file converter from FORTRAN to C was built. This converter is certainly not ideal: the user should still itself edit the C-file, but most labor-consuming operations are taken care of in the converter:


2. Logical operators And, Or, Equal etc.;
3. Operands "Mod" and "^" changed to corresponding "%" and "pow";

4. Operators "Go To" and their corresponding labels;

5. Operators "then", "else", "do", "continue";

6. Junction of lines by the disjointed identifier in 6-th position of line (FORTRAN-case), attachment of the character ";" at the end of line (C-case);

7. Identification of FORTRAN in-built function and replacement on corresponding C-functions;

8. Arrays (replacement of parentheses, splitting of multi-dimensional arrays)

9 Subroutines etc.

The user’s main work after converting consists in the editing of COMMON-blocks, checking of DO-loops, and functions built by the user. The size of the FORTRAN file should not exceed 64 kB. An example of how the converter works is presented in Fig.9.

Fig.9.  Converter of FORTRAN-files to C.


4. Other

4.1. Modernization of the Abrasion-Ablation model

The analytical form of parent and daughter distributions has been modified. All distributions have now an exponent base to reproduce the low-energy part better. New modifications allow to input a delta-function as the input excitation energy distribution (see Fig.10). It is recommended to put the evaporation distributions dimension to 64 instead 32 for better quality calculations.

Fig.10. 40Ar distributions (initial distribution – left plot, daughter distributions –right plot) 
are shown for the case of an
40Ar initial excitation energy from 99 to 100 MeV.

4.2. New NSCL ftp-address

The NSCL download address has changed! The new address is The LISE site and the LISE’s subroutine to obtain the new version automatically have been modified.

4.3. New model for projectile fragmentation velocity

Fig.11. Part of the "Projectile fragmentation" dialog. The new method to calculate the fragment velocity is outlined by a red rounded rectangle.
Detailed information of this new method can be found in the reference [Mor89.]

4.4. Changes in the Utilities menu

The code "BI" (from the menu BI), "Spectroscopic calculator of J.Kantele" and "Units converter" (from the menu Calculations) have been moved to the menu Utilities (see Fig.3). Also the new items "PACE4", "Plot PACE4’s calculations" and "Converter of FORTRAN-files to C" have been incorporated to the menu Utilities as well.

4.5. LISE code references

The article "The program LISE: a simulation of fragment separators" (D.Bazin, M.Lewitowicz, O.Sorlin, O.Tarasov) has been accepted in NIM A. The reference is NIMA 41218.

A brief version of this article has been published in the proceedings of the Sixteenth International conference "Cyclotrons and their applications", 13-17 May 2001, East Lansing, Editor F.Marti, AIP conference proceedings, Vol.60, p.417.

4.6. Future steps of the LISE code development

  1. Fusion reactions (compound cross sections, evaporation, kinematics) and transmission of residual through a fragment separator;
  2. Block-structure that the User can combine to form any fragment separator from different sections (dispersive section, velocity filter, electrostatic separators and gas-filled separators …).



[Aud95] THE 1995 ATOMIC MASS EVALUATION, G.Audi and A.H.Wapstra, Atom.Data and Nucl.Data Tables (1995) 1.

[Gai91] J.-J.Gaimard, K.-H.Schmidt, Nucl.Phys. A531 (1991) 709-745.

[Gav80] A.Gavron, Phys.Rev. C21 (1980) 230-236;

[Mor89] D.Morrissey, Phys.Rev. C39 (1989) 486.